7 Strategies to Attract Clients to Your Urgent Care Occupational Medicine Program

The integration of occupational medicine services into your urgent care clinics can be a game-changer, providing an opportunity to expand your client base and boost revenue.

However, attracting corporate clients to use these services requires strategy and focus.

In this article, we’ll explore seven strategies that can help urgent care clinics attract corporate clients to their occ med program. By implementing these strategies, you can establish yourself as a reliable partner for occupational medicine and workers comp needs.

1. Tailor Services to Corporate Needs

Understand that corporate clients have specific requirements and priorities when it comes to occupational health. Customize your occupational medicine program, and how you talk about your program, to align with the unique needs of various industries and businesses. Offer specialized services for the large industries in your region. For example:

  • Pre-employment medical evaluations for [industry]

  • Workplace injury assessments for [industry]

  • Tailored health promotion program for [industry]

2. Showcase Expertise and Credentials

Highlight the qualifications and experience of your occupational medicine team. Emphasize any certifications, accreditations, or partnerships that demonstrate your clinic's expertise in providing corporate healthcare solutions. A competent and experienced team will instill confidence in potential EPS clients.

3. Get Involved in the Community

Active community involvement can significantly enhance the reputation and visibility of your urgent care clinic's occupational medicine program. Engaging with the local community demonstrates your clinic's commitment to the well-being of businesses and their employees. Some ideas include:

  • Participate in local health fairs and events

  • Conduct educational workshops and seminars

  • Sponsor community initiatives

  • Engage with schools

  • Offer pro bono services for non-profit organizations

  • Participate in local business networking events

4. Streamline the Referral Process

Ensure that your clinic has a seamless referral process for occ med clients. Simplify paperwork and documentation to facilitate smooth communication between your clinic and the corporate entities. Quick and efficient handling of referrals will enhance your clinic's reputation for professionalism and reliability and the specialty groups will be more likely to recommend your clinics as well.

5. Focus on Workplace Safety and Prevention

Educate corporate clients about the importance of workplace safety and prevention. Provide informative materials and workshops on topics such as ergonomics, stress management, and disease prevention. Use creative formats for provided material, like posters and magnets, so corporate clients hang them around their offices. Demonstrating a commitment to proactive health measures will attract safety-conscious corporations.

6. Develop Robust Partnerships

Strengthen partnerships with local businesses, human resource professionals, and industry organizations. Collaborating with key stakeholders in the corporate world can open doors to a wide network of potential clients. Participate in industry events and seminars to showcase your clinics’ commitment to corporate health.

7. Gather and Showcase Testimonials

Collect testimonials from satisfied EPS clients who have benefited from your occupational medicine program. Display these testimonials on your website and promotional materials. Positive reviews from other businesses will serve as powerful endorsements and build credibility.

Attracting corporate clients to your urgent care’s occupational medicine program requires strategic focus. By tailoring services to meet corporate needs, showcasing expertise, and getting involved in the community, your clinics can stand out as a preferred choice for corporate health partnerships. As your clinic gains a reputation for reliability, professionalism, and comprehensive healthcare, corporate clients will recognize the value of collaborating with your urgent care facility for their occupational health needs.


Here’s how Valley Immediate Care grew its occ med program.


How East County Urgent Care Drastically Improved Its Occ Med A/R